This post will provide a quick update on the garden, and that's about it. After all, it's Saturday, and there's gardening to do!
Asparagus has been bearing for a few weeks and still going strong. Hubby didn't harvest during the week I was out of town, so there are already a couple of fronds that are about 4 feet high.
I harvested some radishes a couple weeks ago and another bunch last night. Radishes are great for people like me who like instant gratification.
Lettuce is doing well... when I can keep the slugs off it. I can start harvesting a few leaves this weekend, with more to come.
Columbine is blooming and really jazzing up my woodland garden. Here are a few pictures:

Meadow rue -- weird-looking but pretty:

Rhododendrons -- some are in full bloom, and others are just getting started:

Miniature roses are gorgeous:

I took the citrus trees out of the greenhouse a couple weeks ago, and most of them are blooming like crazy. My front yard smells like citrus blossoms -- heavenly!

And finally, the carnivorous pitcher plants are coming out of their winter sleep. They have strange-but-cool-looking flowers:

The peonies have buds on them, and my white lilac just finished blooming.
There's lots to do in the garden. Next up: Planting the warm season veggies (beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, squash, and melons). This weekend I hope to get the beds manured and ready, with actual planting planned for next weekend. Busy, busy, busy!